
24 Hour Live Feed of an African Watering Hole

This is absolutely mesmorizing. Just like the title says, 24 hour live feed of an African Watering Hole. The best time to watch is supposedly 11 pm to 4 am, because thats the prime time for some watering hole action. If you can stay awake that long check it out. But watch out.... its addictive. Check it out here.


A Chatroom Love Story: Slappy Sue + Sk8r = True Love Forever.

[click here]
What if chatrooms were real rooms? What if the 45 year old fat man with a beard and a handlebar moustache pretending to be a 12 year old girl, was sitting right beside you? Watch this to find out. Kinda funny. Kinda disturbing. Mostly just akward.

Poor Poor Robot.

[click here]
A robot walks into a bar and lays down a bill. The bartender says, "We don't serve robots." The robot replies "Someday, you will."

So Robots have come a long way, and Honda Asimo is a huge technological leap. But I still find it really funny, when a robot falls down the stairs.

Special thanks to the one and only Bryan Adare for sending me this!

Free Energy!

[click here]
On Sunday, 17 December 1995, viewers in U.K. saw an hour-long T V. program which, at long last, puts across the clear message that "free energy" is on the way.
It can't happen soon enough.

When fungi is no longer fun.

[click here]
So this is about ants yes... but watch it. Its freaky. The ant is attacked by a fungus. Like the dude in the video says, "It's like something out of science fiction." Freaky. But oddly beautiful. And artistic.